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Revista Jurídica e-ISSN: 2316-753X
Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181
e-ISSN: 2316-753X
Graziela C. da Silva B. MACHADO
Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA
Master's Degree in Corporate Citizenship and the Law Centro Universitário Curitiba – UNICURITIBA. (E-mail: grazielasilva.machado@gmail.com)
Demetrius Nichele MACEI
Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA
PhD in Law School of Largo São Francisco (USP). Doctor in Tax Law from the Catholic University of São Paulo (2012). Master in Economic and Social Law (2004) and Specialist in Business Law (2000), both from the Catholic University of Paraná, Bachelor of Law from the Federal University of Paraná (1994). Professor of Tax Law at the undergraduate, specialization and master's degree at the Faculty of Law Curitiba (UNICURITIBA). (E-mail: demetriusmacei@gmail.com)
Revista Jurídica e-ISSN: 2316-753X
Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181