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Revista Jurídica e-ISSN: 2316-753X
Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181
Valentina de GREGORIO
Honorary Fellow and Research Assistant in Administrative Law at the University of Turin. She was the Migrant Network co-manager at Slow Food International, Italy, and she supported the activities of the Indigenous Terra Madre Network in the same movement.
Visiting professor, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, PPGD Master in Law, Brazil
Doutoranda em Global Studies. Justice, Rights, Politics pela Universidade de Macerata, Itália e pesquisadora visitante no Grupo de Pesquisa Social Dynamics in Coastal and Marine Areas da Kiel University, Alemanha.
Margherita Paola POTO
JCLOS,Researcher at the Faculty of Law na The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), da Universidade de Tromsø, na Noruega. Email:
Pesquisador assistente do K. G. Jebsen Center for the Law of the Sea, da Universidade de Tromsø (Noruega),
Revista Jurídica e-ISSN: 2316-753X
Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181