Marat Safiullin, Aliya Gataullina, Leonid Elshin


Objective: The article aims to identify promising sectors in the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) for the development of import substitution through production.

Methods: The information base is data from the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation for 2013-2021. The study’s novelty lies in an original methodological approach to assessing the prospects for import substitution in the region in the context of sanctions on supplies.

Results: Based on the analysis of statistical indicators for Tatarstan in the time range, the authors assessed 96 groups of imported goods supplied from 120 countries and 39 types of economic activity in the region’s industry. Types of economic activity according to OKVED (Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities) were compared with import deliveries according to FEACN (Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature).

Conclusion: Promising industries for Tatarstan from the standpoint of production of import-substituting include the production of motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers; production of chemicals and chemical products; production of rubber and plastic products; production of electrical equipment; agriculture; production of machinery and equipment; production of paper and paper products. The results can be used by government agencies and departments to develop import substitution policies to reduce dependence on imports from unfriendly countries in the context of the imposed restrictions.


Import substitution; Sanctions; Import; Foreign economic activity; Localization; Specialization; Republic of Tatarstan; Labor potential; Industrial potential


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