Palavras-chave: previdência social; capacidades; Amartya Sen.
ABSTRACT: the present work aims, after analyzing distributive justice from the perspective of Aristotle, John Rawls and Amartya Sen, to verify, based on three specific situations of social security legislation (in the work carried out by the prisoner, in the work carried out by an insured person who receives a lower value to the national minimum wage and the protection of workers' health, due to the increase in supervision of the work environment), if the right to social security is formally distributed among workers, in the vision idealized by Rawls, in Amartya's capable perspective Sen, being converted into real satisfaction on the part of the respective right holders.
Keywords: social security; capabilities; Amartya Sen.
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Rev. Bras. Prev, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. eISSN: 2317-0158
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