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Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras (Sumários.org) é uma base indexadora de periódicos científicos brasileiros. Resultado da retomada da série “Sumários Correntes Brasileiros”, pela Fundação de Pesquisas Científicas de Ribeirão Preto (FUNPEC-RP), antes desenvolvido pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciências e Tecnologia (IBICT). |
Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and presents publisher and journal open access policies from around the world. Every registered publisher or journal held in Romeo is carefully reviewed and analysed by our specialist team who provide summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis where possible. |
50 partners, from all EU countries, and beyond, will collaborate to work on this large-scale initiative that aims to promote open scholarship and substantially improve the discoverability and reusability of research publications and data. |
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Information Services provides a complete and optimized research solution comprised of research databases, e-books and e-journals—all combined with the most powerful discovery service and management resources to support the information and collection development needs of libraries and other institutions and to maximize the search experience for researchers and other end users. |
Latindex it is based on the cooperation of a network of institutions that operate in coordination for for the gathering and dissemination of relevant bibliographic information and editorial-quality criteria concerning the scientific serial publications produced in the region. |
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DOAJ Directory of open access journals (Em avaliação) The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. |
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ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholary Resources The portal gives access to the ISSN Register, the international database which contains key identification information about print and digital journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and scholarly blogs and Open Access scholarly resources published in more than 100 countries. |
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REDIB - Red Iberoamericana (em avaliação) O REDIB é uma plataforma para agregação de conteúdo científico e acadêmico em formato eletrônico produzido no contexto ibero-americano, relacionado a ele em um sentido cultural e social mais amplo e geograficamente não restritivo. |
Diadorim - Sistema de Classificação das Revistas The Diadorim is an information service on authorizations for storage and access of articles of Brazilian journals in open access digital repositories. Part of the set of open access by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technologyservices. |
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PKP is a multi-university initiative developing (free) open source software and conducting research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing. |
OASISBR O Portal brasileiro de publicações científicas em acesso aberto - oasisbr é um mecanismo de busca multidisciplinar que permite o acesso gratuito à produção científica de autores vinculados a universidades e institutos de pesquisa brasileiros. Por meio do oasisbr é possível também realizar buscas em fontes de informação portuguesas. |
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LivRE O LivRe é um catálogo de periódicos de livre acesso de todas as áreas do conhecimento. |
MIAR MATRIX (em avaliação) MIAR collects data for the identification and analysis of scientific journals. If any ISSN is entered in the search box, the system will locate in which databases of the ones contemplated in the matrix the journal is indexed. |