Safiya Mukhametgaliyeva, Elena Kirillova, Alexey Deyev, Daniil Kvon, Dmitry Savelev, Juliya Kholodionova


Objective: The study aims to highlight the stages of lawmaking in which artificial intelligence can be used and determine the principles on which this process should be based.

Methods: The research methods include the analysis of a limited number of studies selected according to special parameters and comprehensively reviewed, as well as analogy and comparative analysis.

Results: Based on the study results, the authors identify the main stages of lawmaking activity in which the use of AI seems justified. These stages include collecting statistical data; forecasting the effectiveness of legal norms; planning expense items on the development and implementation of legal norms; creating legal norms; customizing legal norms; legal expertise; and anti-corruption examination.

Conclusion: The study concludes that activities that the use of AI should be guided by the following principles: respect human rights when using AI, maintain the principle of equality and justice, and ensure the security, neutrality, and controllability of AI.


artificial intelligence; lawmaking activities; legal expertise; digitalization; legal status; statistics; customization

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