Vyacheslav Vitko


Copyright law applies not to all results of human intellectual activity, but only to those that meet certain criteria of protectability. Proceeding from this, it is of theoretical and practical importance to study the approaches of the doctrine and judicial practice to the disclosure of work protectability criteria. As a rule, if the criteria are specified in the law, their content is usually not disclosed. For this reason, the clarification of the essence of the criteria falls on judicial practice and civil doctrine. The purpose of the paper is to determine the criterion of "originality" in the Russian civil doctrine and judicial practice. The study employs formal-legal and systemic-structural methods, content analysis of various publications, and comparative-legal methods. As a result, the content of the criterion of originality is formulated and recommendations are given for the specification of terminology in the Russian legislation.


creative labor; originality; work of authorship; copyright law.

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Revista Jurídica e-ISSN: 2316-753X

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