Victor Rybak, Yuri Kryanev, Igor Shichkin, Maya Livson


Objective: One of the key objectives of state regulation regional policy today remains the task of ensuring the sustainable development of territories. The goal of the study is to determine priority directions in state regulation aimed at ensuring the sustainable territorial development of Russia. The quality of state regulation is considered in the study as a crucial factor in the sustainability of regional development.

Methodology: For this purpose, the use of the mechanisms of state management of territorial sustainable development in Russia and other states is compared and the absence or presence of certain mechanisms in Russian practice is noted. The main research methods were comparative method and survey study.

Results: The paper reported the results of the analysis of the realization of state policy in ensuring the sustainable development of Russian territories. The authors examined positive international experience in the state regulation of regional development and studied its directions and the features of institutional interaction. The paper explored various components of a comprehensive mechanism for managing the sustainable development of Russian territories.

Contribution: The suggested priority directions for state regulation of territorial sustainable development are strategic planning, the formation of a single management and monitoring center, the organization of management along the line center – regions – territories, as well as interregional interaction, and the development and use of integral indicators for assessing the achievement of sustainable development goals.


Ecology; Integral indicators; Law; Management; Strategic planning

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