Erik Castilho Bussmeyer, Adélide Pereira da Silva Bussmeyer, Laureen Michelle Houllou


The growing presence of microplastics in the environment, together with their possible environmental impacts, has become an emerging issue and this work proposes to investigate the problem from a legal point of view.

The work is based on the research question: "Is there a legal basis for the damage caused by microplastics to the environment?". To answer this question, the research conducts a detailed analysis of existing environmental legislation and its applicability to the damage caused by microplastics. 

The methodology adopted for this work involves a bibliographical review of the existing literature on the environmental impacts of microplastics, as well as a detailed study of the laws and regulations relating to plastic pollution. In addition, relevant case law is examined to identify how courts have dealt with cases related to plastic pollution. 

The results of this research have significant implications for environmental law, providing clear guidelines on how damage caused by microplastics can be dealt with legally. The study also contributes to the general understanding of the ecological impacts of microplastics, offering a comprehensive view of the harmful effects of these pollutants on the environment.

This work is a relevant contribution to the intersection between law, ecology, biology, and chemistry.

Palabras clave

environmental law; microplastic pollution; environmental pollution.

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