Lyubov Tsilenko, Olga Znamenskaya, Vitalii Vasyukov, Yuliya Grunina, Galina Yanovskaya


Objective: In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, the digital transformation of higher education has emerged as a pivotal strategy for achieving sustainable societal development. This study aims to discern the key directions, objectives, and mechanisms associated with the digital transformation of higher education institutions.

Methods: To accomplish the research goal, the study utilizes the methods of theoretical generalization, structural and logical analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of expert survey.

Results: The study shows the key directions, objectives, and mechanisms of the digital transformation of higher education, along with its leading advantages for students and educational institutions.

Conclusion: The conclusion is drawn that the digital transformation of higher education is a major challenge and simultaneously a tremendous opportunity for Russian universities to enhance their competitiveness, attract additional resources, renew their IT infrastructure, and raise the quality of education. Digital transformation will enable universities to make higher education more accessible and capable of providing professional growth and career advancement through a focus on individualization and flexibility of the educational process.


higher education; digital transformation; digital technology; digitalization; sustainable development

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