Victor Mayboroda, Elvira Mayboroda, Pavel Spirin


Objective: This study aims to explore the possibility of granting agglomerations in the Russian Federation public subjectivity and to identify the properties that would distinguish them as public law entities.

 Methods: The study employs legal analysis, comparative analysis, and case studies to examine the legal framework and practices of public subjectivity in the Russian Federation and other countries.

 Results: The research reveals that agglomerations, defined as clusters of cities and densely populated areas with common interests, can be endowed with public subjectivity. The study discusses the formation of collective will through institutions such as referendums and elections. It also highlights the need to consider factors such as population characteristics, infrastructure, and economic viability when determining the public subjectivity of an agglomeration.

 Conclusion: The study concludes that the organization of public authorities and the redistribution of powers between different levels of government is a reality in the Russian legal system. It suggests that integrated planning approaches involving multiple municipalities can help address infrastructure issues in agglomerations. Furthermore, the study proposes that the establishment of agglomerations as public law entities should consider population composition and its impact on infrastructure quality.


: agglomeration; public subjectivity; territorial planning; liberal egalitarianism; economic activity; taxation

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