Natural Environmental Law, Environmental Labor Law: A Systemic Interaction

Cláudio Jannotti da Rocha, Thais Borges da Silva


Environmental Labor Law and Natural Environmental Law outline a dialectical relationship of interdependence that will flow into Environmental Law. The present article aims to analyze this relationship, from a historical perspective, addressing the interactions between these species of Environmental Law throughout the four industrial revolutions already experienced. For this reason, this article will demonstrate that Environmental Labor Law is a public health issue, and therefore in the name of ecological preservation, a real change in the exploration of the environment is necessary, because what the company does inside and outside its establishment reaches the entire local, regional and even national and planetary community, interfering and acting directly in Environmental Law. In the preparation of this article, the descriptive exploratory methodology was observed, embodied in bibliographic research - legal order, doctrine and jurisprudence.


Natural Environmental Law; Environmental Labor Law; Ecology; Environment; Preservation


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