Absorptive Capacity and Social Integration Mechanisms: Evidence from Bank Branches in Brazil

Cássio André Bayma do Nascimento, Carlos Ricardo Rossetto, Sérgio Begnini, Ruan Carlos dos Santos


Purpose: The article aims to verify the relationship between individual absorptive capacity, organizational absorptive capacity, and social integration mechanisms in bank branches.

Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive method was adopted, with data collected through a survey and processed using the structural equation modeling method with partial least squares estimation (PLS-SEM).

Results: As a result, a positive relationship was found between individual and organizational absorptive capacities and the positive effects of social integration mechanisms on each of them, since these mechanisms are related to socio-environmental, affective, cognitive and organizational resources.

Originality: We extend the Social Integration Mechanisms by demonstrating that resource development in emerging markets requires a collective effort and complementary organizational processes to produce high results. Finally, we examine the conditions under which companies in emerging markets can complement their processes to achieve better performance.

Theoretical/Practical Contribution: Theoretical contributions include the influence of the cognitive, socio-environmental, affective, and behavioral dimensions of social integration mechanisms that enhance the development of knowledge absorption in individuals and in the organization. Practical contributions lie in the adoption of social integration mechanisms by managers in order to maximize individual and organizational absorptive capacities.



Individual absorptive capacity; Organizational absorptive capacity; Social integration mechanisms; Financial institutions; Knowledge.

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