Estéfani Sandmann de Deus


This work resulted from an investigation that also aimed to verify and analyze whether and how the characteristics of immaterial work are presented in the narrative of workers who underwent aesthetic plastic surgery. The literature review covered immaterial work (GORZ, GRISCI AND PELBART) and physical beautification (MANSANO, BAUMAN AND LIPOVETSKY). It is a qualitative and exploratory research, and, for its realization, six workers were interviewed, who underwent aesthetic plastic surgery, indicated by plastic surgeons. The interviews took place in three cities in Rio Grande do Sul. The data analysis took place according to the parameters of Minayo (2001). Empirical evidence showed that characteristics of immaterial work were found in the narrative of the workers studied. 


: physical beautification, managerial management, immaterial work, aesthetic plastic surgery, work, and family.

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