Gao Muyang, Vladimir Sekerin, Andrey Efremov, Anna Gorokhova, Vladimir Gayduk


Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the experience of using industrial Internet platforms in China and its impact on the regulation of production services of enterprises. The study analyzes the concept of global value chains and examines the distribution of benefits among participating countries as a result of the deepening of the international division of labor.

Methods: A combination of research methods, including factorial, comparative, and structural analysis, was used to achieve the research objectives. The main research material consisted of Russian and international statistical data, Russian and international legal frameworks, and comparative legal analysis.

Results: Industrial Internet platforms not only promote cooperation between the production party and upstream and downstream enterprises in the value chain but also increase the added value of the production party and smoothen the smile curve.

Conclusion: The article combines the concept of proactive artificial intelligence and suggests an innovative direction for the industrial Internet. The development of industrial Internet platforms plays a crucial role in the digital transformation of production processes. This requires a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework to ensure data confidentiality, intellectual property protection, and secure cross-border data transfer.


Legal basis; Internet platform; Digital transformation

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