Alena Zelinskaya, Irina Takmasheva


Objective: The article aims to analyze and assess the mechanisms for effective interaction of the state, regional authorities, and business entities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-COVID economy.

Methods: The study utilizes a multifaceted approach, encompassing data analysis and statistics to assess the pandemic-related activities of small enterprises. It employs correlation analysis to gauge the relationship between state support and business development. Content analysis evaluates the quality of regulatory measures during biological threats, while expert analysis, logical reasoning, and data visualization techniques facilitate data collection and interpretation.

Results: The study reveals that the effectiveness of government support measures during the pandemic is directly related to the quality and volume of regulatory policies implemented by the state and regional authorities. The research identifies the strengths and weaknesses of these measures and explores opportunities and threats associated with government-business interactions. The results demonstrate that government support played a crucial role in mitigating the economic and social consequences of the pandemic, particularly for small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Conclusion: The study emphasizes the importance of strong collaboration between government authorities and businesses during times of crisis. It highlights the effectiveness of regulatory policies and support measures in safeguarding the business ecosystem. The conclusions drawn highlight the need for continuous improvement in the mechanisms of interaction between government and businesses to ensure economic resilience in the face of future biological threats. The lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic can inform policy decisions and strengthen the partnership between the government and the business sector in the post-COVID era.

Palabras clave

interaction between authorities; mechanism; biological threats; small- and medium-sized enterprises; business; coronavirus

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