Vladimir Gayduk, Maksim Kovalchuk, Aleksei Кhaliapin, Nina Goridko, Valeriia Semenova


Objective: This study considers the improvement of institutional forms of state support for small agricultural businesses, particularly within the context of economic sanctions. The objective is to investigate and evaluate the existing institutional forms of state support for small agricultural businesses.

Methods: The research uses a comprehensive approach to analyze small agricultural businesses, incorporating a SWOT analysis to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Results: The study establishes that key production forces are concentrated in the hands of large- and medium-sized private enterprises manufacturing agricultural products. The authors analyze the forms of state support for small agricultural businesses. They also consider the functioning of small business entities in the agro-industrial complex. An original interpretation of the model of state regulation of agriculture is presented, including its goals, methods, and tools.

Conclusion: Based on the analysis of existing institutional mechanisms of state support for small forms of agricultural businesses, the feasibility of using additional forms is substantiated, which, in the context of growing economic sanctions, will allow small agricultural businesses to overcome the shortage of financial resources and quickly respond to force majeure. To increase general sustainability and the sustainability of small agricultural enterprises, this study recommends introducing additional forms of government support.


Small agricultural business; State support; Institutional forms; Grant support; Small forms of farming


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