Kirill Dolgopolov, Dmitry Burkin, Anastasia Prikhodko, Stanislav Chudin, Sergei Ivanov


Objective: The authors of the article aim to analyze the effectiveness of environmental legislation and authorized executive bodies in solving environmental problems.

Methods: The authors conduct a detailed chronological analysis of scientific literature and legal documents on the topic, paying special attention to amendments after the adoption of the Constitution, and several specific cases.

Results: The authors show significant advancements in the establishment of a legal foundation for environmental protection and highlight persistent challenges in enforcement and coherence within a broader political and economic context.

Conclusions: The authors emphasize the need for a more integrated and consistent approach to strengthen Russia’s environmental governance and policy implementation, aiming to address the identified gaps and contradictions for improved environmental outcomes.


environmental policy; environmental protection; environmental safety; environmental legislation; state regulation of natural resources

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26668/revistajur.2316-753X.v1i77.6689


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