
Objective: The article discusses some aspects of ensuring the efficient use of forest resources in the Far North and similar areas as exemplified by the Komi Republic using the innovative potential of small- and medium-sized businesses.

Methodology: The study uses a comprehensive program-targeted approach to developing mechanisms for managing the natural resource and infrastructure potential of lagging and problem-plagued forest areas (on the example of forest villages of the Komi Republic) based on their strategic management as an integral system that has everything necessary for the effective functioning and advanced development of the region’s economy.

Results: From the theoretical and methodological perspective, the authors of the article have substantiated and developed mechanisms for managing natural resource and infrastructure potential to ensure the socio-economic development of lagging and problem-plagued forest areas, as well as indicated the possibilities of using the obtained scientific results for their restoration and development.

Contribution: As the key factor in the more efficient use of forest resources, the authors have proposed a comprehensive program for the development of small- and medium-sized forestry businesses, with due regard to innovative and environmental approaches. The research data, conclusions, and proposals obtained elaborate some sections of economic theory and can serve as a theoretical basis for improving the territorial development management system.

Palabras clave

Theoretical and methodological foundations; Depressed forest areas; Natural resource potential; Infrastructure potential; Effective administration.

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