Nikolay Denisov, Evgeniy Russkevich, Svetlana Muradyan


Relevance: study is relevant since the irreversible and progressive development of science will result in the transition to "Criminal Law 2.0". Objective: article aims to determine criminal consequences for the introduction of AI into society and developing proposals for the effective integration of AI into elements of a crime. Methods: methodological toolkit is represented by a complex combination of philosophical, general, and special scientific methods of cognition. Results: article concludes that a digital person and AI (in any form of their existence) will inherit the intellectual and volitional qualities of a person and become full-fledged subjects of law.  Conclusions: authors of the article have tried to introduce an electronic intellectual person into the structure of a crime. Currently, this introduction is of a probabilistic and prognostic nature but soon it will help to assess prospects for the development of criminal law and prevent new types of socially dangerous acts.


digital reality, criminal law 2.0, artificial intelligence, electronic intellectual person.


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