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Revista Jurídica e-ISSN: 2316-753X
Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181
e-ISSN: 2316-753X
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Postdoctoral degrees at the University of Coimbra – Portugal, UNICURITIBA- Brazil, . Mediterranea International Center for Human Rights Research, MICHR, Italy. Doctor from - FADISP. Master in Personality Rights - UNICESUMAR. Professor of the Master's Program at UNIPAR. E-mail: h.monteschio@uol.com.br
Antônio Eduardo Baltar Malheiro de MAGALHÃES
Doctor of Law from the Faculty of Law of Coimbra. Teacher. Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra
Felipe de Figueiredo SILVA
Bachelor in Law Degree from the Centro Universitário de João Pessoa - UNIPÊ-JP. Postgraduate in Labor Law and Social Security from Universidade Pitágoras Unopar. Studying Master's in Law, Compliance, Market and Human Security from Faculdade CERS. E-mail: felipefigueiredof2@gmail.com
Revista Jurídica e-ISSN: 2316-753X
Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181