
Objective: The study analyzes the operation of radical left-wing movements in various countries of the world. The purpose of the study is to compare the political and legal status of radical left-wing movements in different countries. Methods: Pursuing this goal, the paper presents various points of view expressed by researchers on the specific features of left-wing radicalism, describes the history of the emergence of radical left-wing movements the main reason for their popularization in the modern world, and their distinctive characteristics in different states. Results: The authors proceed from the fact that radical left-wing protests in various countries that have taken place around the world over the past 10 years (events in 2011 such as the Arab Spring and the outrage movement in Spain, political protests in Russia, the Euromaidan in Ukraine, and many other events, including left-wing protests in Kazakhstan in 2022) against the background of current economic and political instability increase the interest of researchers to understand the impact of left-wing movements on the legal and political spheres of contemporary society. The article sheds light on the diverse goals that radical left-wing movements are trying to pursue, as well as on the main strategies and tactics of achieving them. Conclusion: As a result of the conducted research, certain provisions are formulated regarding the political and legal status of radical left-wing movements, which is viewed as conditioned by the presence of the elements of extremism in the activities of these organizations. Furthermore, promising directions of improving the state policy on mitigating contradictions between the state administration and the interests of society are suggested. A part of the paper is devoted specifically to the study of the possibility of involving left-wing movements in the political life of the state through legal mechanisms of participation in politics, considering such involvement as a mechanism for reducing tensions in society and increasing the level of security.

Palabras clave

radicalism; left-wing movements; left-wing regime; political life; mass demonstrations

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