Igor Gammarano


This theoretical article investigates the construction and maintenance of the identity and narrative of virtual influencers, exploring the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating convincing and authentic virtual personalities. As virtual influencers gain popularity, understanding the mechanisms behind their identity and narrative becomes crucial to assess their impact on audience engagement and brand loyalty. This study examines how AI is used to develop personal characteristics, behaviors, and interactions that appear genuine and analyzes the public's perceptions of authenticity regarding these digital entities. Furthermore, the article discusses the importance of a consistent and coherent narrative to maintain audience engagement over time, proposing a theoretical framework that integrates concepts from consumer psychology, digital communication, and influencer marketing. Based on a comprehensive review of existing literature and new theoretical insights, this article aims to fill critical knowledge gaps about the effectiveness of virtual influencers, offering guidelines for future research and practices in the field of influencer marketing.


Virtual Influencers, Artificial Intelligence, Authenticity, Audience Engagement, Consistent Narrative, Influencer Marketing, Consumer Psychology, Digital Communication.

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