Innovation in information technology (IT): Results of innovation in IT companies in Paraná, Brazil

Marco Antonio Sartori, Emanuel Campigotto Sandri, Amanda Vezzaro, Elizandra da Silva


Innovation has been consolidated as a critical element in the strategy of organizations in the most diverse segments of the market. Investing or not in innovation is a decision that can influence the competitiveness and sustainability of the business, as well as the permanence of a company in the market. Due to the great importance attributed to innovation, the objective of this paper is to draw a comparison between the initiatives related to investments in innovation in a set of IT companies in the state of Paraná and the main innovation alternatives listed in the literature national and international levels, evaluating the impacts caused by these investments, taking as the exploratory research the methodology addressed. Based on the results obtained, it has hoped that IT service companies will be able to increase their competitive potential and ensure the sustainability of their businesses.


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