Tyson Antonio Alves da Silva, Luis Eduardo Brandão Paiva


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the international literature addressing the themes of consumption, sustainability, and fast fashion, focusing on the profile of the studies and their main contributions.

Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework relies on a mixed research approach utilizing bibliometric methods via Scopus to analyze articles from 2012 to October 2022.

Design/methodology/approach: A mixed research approach was applied, filtering articles from 2012 to October 2022, utilizing bibliometric methods via Scopus.

Findings: Results highlight 2022 as a peak year for Scopus-indexed articles on these themes. Notable contributors include the UK, Australia, and the US, with affiliations like Chalmers University of Technology, The New School, and Queensland University of Technology. The journal 'Sustainability' received the most articles. Findings emphasize that fast fashion cultivates a disposable clothing outlook, ignoring environmental consequences. Growing attention to sustainability and social concerns is evident for both consumers and fashion companies.

Research, Practical & Social implications: The study sheds light on the growing attention to sustainability and social concerns within the realm of fast fashion. It highlights the need for more sustainable practices in the fashion industry and the potential social impacts of consumer behavior.

Originality/value: The study's main contributions lie in its analysis of the international literature on consumption, sustainability, and fast fashion, providing insights into the current trends and highlighting areas for further research.


Consumption; Fast fashion; Sustainability.

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