Social capital, self, and xenocentrism interactions toward global brand preference bias in Brazil

Flávio Santino Bizarrias, Jussara da Silva Teixeira Cucato, Vivian Iara Strehlau, Dirceu Silva, Suzane Strehlau, Evandro Luiz Lopes


The present study builds on Social Capital as a construct related to the biased preference for the global, represented by intention to purchase a global brand and xenocentrism in Brazil. Survey data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling, regression for mediating effects, completed by latent class analysis to better comprehend the phenomenon. Results suggest that social ties and networked relationships are stimuli for global brand preference bias through three heterogeneous profiles in a developing country when mediated by xenocentrism and extension of the self. The study advances knowledge of international marketing and social capital literature. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


social capital;extension of self; xenocentrism; global brand preference bias

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