Ho Thi Thanh Truc, Hoang Xuan Son


A economia partilhada surgiu quando as pessoas sabiam como trocar e fazer negócios, mas este tipo de economia cresceu quando a quarta revolução industrial se desenvolveu fortemente em todo o mundo. No Vietname, a economia partilhada desenvolveu-se fortemente desde 2014, em que o sector do transporte rodoviário apareceu anteriormente com representantes famosos como Uber, Grab... Nesse contexto, o Governo do Vietname está sempre a tentar adaptar-se a este novo modelo de negócio através de melhorar o sistema jurídico. No entanto, até ao momento, muitas questões jurídicas não foram resolvidas de forma satisfatória, exigindo que o sistema jurídico continue a ser aperfeiçoado para resolver o problema e desenvolver um modelo económico que traga muitos benefícios para a sociedade, ao mesmo tempo que resolve muitos novos problemas sociais que este modelo económico coloca. Este artigo investiga a situação atual da lei que rege o modelo de economia compartilhada no Vietnã, analisando, sintetizando pesquisas comparativas e comentando a sentença. O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar os problemas, encontrar as causas e propor soluções para melhorar o sistema jurídico para ajustar o modelo económico de partilha no domínio do transporte rodoviário no Vietname para se adaptar à situação atual de desenvolvimento da quarta revolução industrial.


Direito. Economia compartilhada. Transporte rodoviário. Vietnã

Texto completo:



Dang, N. (2018). “Why Uber, Grab can't live in Japan”. Youth Online.

Decision No. 24/QD-BGTVT dated 07/01/2016 of the Ministry of Transport.

Decision No. 999/QĐ-TTg dated August 12, 2019, of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme to promote the sharing economy model.

Decree 123/2021/NĐ-CP amending Decrees on penalties for administrative violations in the maritime domain; road and railway traffic; domestic airline.

Decree 47/2022/NĐ-CP amending Decree 10/2020/ND-CP stipulating business and conditions for auto transport business.

Decree No. 10/2020/NĐ-CP dated January 17, 2020, of the Government regulating business and conditions for transport business by car.

Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP dated May 16, 2013, of the Government on e-commerce.

Decree No. 86/2014/NĐ-CP and Circular No. 63/2014/TT-BGTVT

Doan, C. (2022). “Technology car drivers need a haven”. Electronic Workers Newspaper.

Draft Decree amending some articles of Decree 52/2013/NĐ-CP on e-commerce.

High People's Court. (2020). Appellate Commercial Business Judgment No. 05/2020/KDTM-PT dated March 10, 2020.

Hoa, A. (2019). “When start-up does not wait for sandbox…”. Investment electronic newspaper.

Huong, D. (2014). “France bans Uber Taxi transport service”. VOV electronic newspaper.

Jeff John Roberts. (2015). “As Sharing Economy” Fades, These 2 Phrases Are Likely to Replace It”. Fortune.

K, C. (2017). “Conference summarizing 2 years of the pilot implementation of the application of science and technology to support management and connection of passenger transport activities under contract”. Portal of the Ministry of Transport.

Law No. 51/2005/QH11 of the National Assembly: Law on Electronic Transactions.

Law No: 23/2008/QH12 of the National Assembly: Law on Road Traffic.

Le Quoc Ly. (2022). The digital economy theoretical and practical issues. Hanoi: Labor.

Linh, K. (2020). “Challenge as college students drive for grab”. VnEconomy electronic magazine.

Minh, N. (2018). “US restricts technology taxis”. Electronic newspaper People's Deputies.

Ministry of Planning and Investment. (2020). “Reporting the impact of the main types of sharing economy on the economy”.

Ngan, H. (2021). “Technology motorbike taxi is not a partner because it has to follow the car company's rules”. Traffic Electronic Newspaper.

Official Dispatch No. 1755/VPCP-CN dated February 23, 2018, of the Government Office on piloting the application of science and technology in supporting the connection of passenger transport under contract.

People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City. (2018). First-instance Commercial Business Judgment No. 1910/2018/KDTM-ST dated December 28, 2018.

Rachel Portman, Roo Rogers. (2011). What's mine is yours, the rise of collaboration. New York: Harper Business.

Reporter. (2019). “Uber is banned in Germany”. VOV electronic newspaper.

Russell Belk (2014). “You Are What You Can Access: Sharing and Collaborative Consumption Online”. Journal of Business Research, Vol.67, p.1595-1600.

Stop pilot from April 1, 2020: Grab must choose a taxi or a contract car. Law Library website.

Trang, TT. (2012). “The operation of some sharing economic models in Vietnam”. Website of the National Digital Transformation Department.



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