Evgeny Yurievich Oborsky, Tatyana Victorovna Vorotilina, Anna Nikolaevna Klimova, Lyubov Yuryevna Larina, Oksana Vladimirovna Nardina


Objective: The article considers the main theoretical concepts of the Russian historical science used to study the Russian Revolution of 1917. Methods: They are selected from monographs, articles and chronicles, and form a special source of information. Results: A historiographic review demonstrates that these concepts (party, Marxist, systemic, structural, behavioral, neo-constitutional approaches, optimistic and pessimistic practices, conspiracy theory) reflect the ideology and subject of research rather than offer scientific tools. There is an opinion that the historiographical and source base for studying the Russian Revolution of 1917 formed the positivist practice of collecting facts and documents. Marxism-Leninism influenced the study of specific topics and certain names. Starting with the first (lifetime) edition of the works of V.I. Lenin, the principle of historicism provided a large number of terms, events and biographical information, which established an extensive historical context and cause-and-effect relationships. Marxism is important for studying the revolution as a variant of historical materialism and is crucial for understanding the ideological heritage of the revolution and the motivation of its leaders. According to some scholars, Marxism also justified the struggle for power in 1917. At the same time, Marxism cannot explain the subsequent events since a radically complex mass society cannot be described by classical theories, old terms and methods. Marxism is applicable to describe the ideological context of 1917 but fails to analyze contemporary events. Conclusion: Thus, the authors of the article propose a thesis about the chronological correspondence of the chosen methods to the events under study. Modern methodological approaches provide different theoretical knowledge about the Russian Revolution of 1917 suitable for new generations but lose the historical context understandable to the previous generation. New approaches (structuralism, deconstructivism, discourse analysis and global history) aim at describing rather than explaining revolutionary events.

Palabras clave

The Russian Revolution of 1917; Marxism; Positivism; The principle of historicism; Structuralism; Deconstructivism; Classes and masses; Information society

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