Arkadiy Vladimirovich Kornev, Sergey Vasilyevich Lipen, Sergey Zenin, Oleg Vladimirovich Tanimov, Oleg Nikolaevich Glazunov


Background: Complex and high-tech devices are being introduced and the latest technologies are being actively improved in all areas of human activity in the modern, globalizing world, due to the informatization of society. The article deals with the problems of the use of information and communication technologies in legal activity. Its main types have been investigated: lawmaking, law enforcement, interpretive activity. Today, there is an increase in the flow and accumulation of legal information, which makes it practically impossible to use traditional methods of working with legal information. Aim: The purpose of the study is to consider and analyze the role of information and communication technologies in modern legal activity, to identify the principles, concepts, conditions, and factors of their development, to develop theoretical and practical recommendations on the use of such technologies to solve legal problems. Results and Discussion: The authors raise issues of improving the efficiency of legal activity, as well as the problems of integrating information technologies into practical legal activity and their use for collecting, storing, searching, and issuing legal and reference information. Much attention has been paid in the article to the peculiarities of using automated data banks and information retrieval systems in legal practice, providing accumulation, systematization, and effective search for legally important information. The development of such technologies leads to the creation of comfortable conditions for a lawyer in the course of his/her professional activity. Conclusion: Today, legal activity is unthinkable without telecommunication technologies, legal reference systems, and electronic programs. The authors of the article believe that the time for making legal decisions has significantly accelerated due to the use of the latest information technologies, the process of searching and systematizing evidence has been worked out, it has become possible to quickly and efficiently find information about adopted laws and legal acts.

Palabras clave

Lawmaking; Law enforcement; Legal technique; Legal activity; Information technology

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