
Background: Currently, an increasing number of goods are purchased using e-commerce technologies. The efficiency of distance selling is largely determined by the number of buyers who have visited the website of the online store. Thus, the task of converting site visitors into buyers appears relevant. Aim: The aim of the presented study was to determine the impact of the presence of a critical product on the behavior of an online store visitor. Results: The author shows that at present the growth of the turnover at an online store is based primarily on the number of orders rather than the average purchase amount. Conclusion: Based on the assumption that the buyer seeks to purchase all goods in one place, the author examines the significance of commodity items, which do not play an important role directly in the formation of turnover but contribute to solving the problem of increasing the conversion of visitors into buyers.

Palabras clave

E-commerce; Distance selling; Conversion of visitors into customers; Product range; Promotion; Critical products

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