Elena Babkina, Valentina Makarova, Aleksandra Orlova, Oksana Polosukhina, Yaroslav Reyent


Objective: The study aims to determine the reasons for the development of legal infantilism and legal idealism as forms of deformation of legal consciousness.

Methods: The general scientific research methods employed in the study include the comparative legal, specific sociological, statistical, and formal logic methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, etc.).

Results: The psychological and social prerequisites for the development of legal infantilism and legal idealism are identified.

Conclusions: A great role in preventing the development of the deformations of legal consciousness is played by public knowledge, although a single prerequisite cannot be established, as the phenomena are complex and multidimensional.


Legal consciousness; Deformation of legal consciousness; Apathy; Right; Legal norm; Realization of the right

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