Mikhail Petrovich Yatsenko, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Sidorenko, Olga Sergeevna Chizhevskaya, Ivan Dmitrievich Peskovets, Dmitry Vladimirovich Rakhinsky


Objective: The article examines the role of information resources in the formation of the modern geopolitical world picture. Results: It has been shown that the globalization processes are subordinated to one geopolitical goal, so they often provoke the chaotization of the world space. The dominance of destructive elements in interstate relations leads to the division of countries into objects and subjects of world politics, which is largely a consequence of ideologically directed information flows. The article highlights the actual problem of our time, which consists in regulating geopolitical processes in the interests of all societies as equal subjects. The authors prove the need for constant reference to the best traditions accumulated by leading Russian philosophers. Conclusion: The authors believe that adequate management of information flows creates conditions for optimizing the interaction of various geopolitical elements. The article shows the real prospects for a sustainable global-regional world order, which are possible with a dialectical approach to information resources and their role in the formation of a new world community.


Geopolitical reality; Global community stability; Globalization; Social transformations; World order

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