
Objective: The article is devoted to the study of channels for promoting non-state pension provision products in the Russian Federation. This topic remains poorly studied in the public scientific field, while it has significant development potential. The purpose of the article is to determine the channels of sales of voluntary pension products. Methods: The article is based on a survey conducted by the authors among representatives of 17 non-state pension funds (43% of market participants). The survey was conducted in December 2021 using an anonymous questionnaire. Results: The pension market remains highly regulated, and its participants are still looking for the best development strategies in such conditions. Individual investment accounts, investment life insurance, and bank deposits are classified as competitive products. State incentives in the form of tax and other preferences, as well as a more understandable mechanism of accumulation and payments in comparison with competitors, are considered the optimal way to create a competitive advantage of pension products. Conclusion: The results of the article can be applied in the cross-country analysis of the marketing of pension products, recommendations for the development of non-state pension provision, and construction of strategies for marketing campaigns of non-state pension funds.


Non-state pension provision; Non-state pension funds; Promotion of pension products

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