Gissela E. Marchan-Ruíz, Ghenkis A. Ezcurra- Zavaleta, Javier A. López-Céspedes, Fernando Escobedo, Galvani Guerrero García, Xiomara M. Calle-Ramirez


Currently, the quality of service provided by companies plays a fundamental role as a strategy to meet customer expectations and achieve customer satisfaction. The objective of the study was to identify the customers' perception of the quality of service provided by companies in the hardware sector in the province of Tumbes. In the methodology, the approach was quantitative, descriptive level and non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 487 clients of 10 companies that sell construction products. A questionnaire was adapted as a data collection instrument to evaluate the quality of service in a service company. The results showed that high levels of service quality prevailed with 72.48%, followed by medium with 25.87% and low with 1.64%. High levels of service quality were also found according to the sociodemographic variables sex, age and marital status. It is concluded that the majority of the clients considered the quality of service of the small hardware companies to be high, while only a small percentage considered the quality of service to be low.


Service quality; Small enterprises; Software

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