Irina Kiseleva, Aziza Tramova, Elena Chernikova, Fatimat Mambetova, Salambek Sulumov


Background: Today's business is conducted in a highly competitive environment. Adoption of adequate decisions requires a deep, comprehensive assessment of the situation and a reliable forecast of events development. Any enterprise operations are accompanied by risks, which is why there is a need to create and apply marketing strategies within the competence of different divisions. Goal: The purpose of the study reported in the article is to develop methods for assessing the effectiveness and risk level of a marketing strategy of the company's activities relevant in today's economic environment. Methods: The methodological basis of the study are the existing approaches to assessing the degree of marketing strategy risks: stochastic programming methods, the decision tree method, and the method of statistical decisions. Results: The analysis of quantitative methods for the analysis of management decisions in terms of the implementation of marketing strategies of industrial companies is carried out. The sequence of the process of strategic marketing risk management is proposed. Competitive risks in the system of strategic marketing risk management are assessed. Conclusion: The conducted work points to the assessment criteria for the concept of risk management in modern conditions. The main features of the concept should be integration, continuity, and comprehensiveness. This will enable the control and monitoring of various current and future risk situations, revealing the consequences of subjects' actions in risk situations. Implementation of the proposed concept will decrease or eliminate negative results in the formulated and implemented tasks.


Marketing; Business; Strategy; Risk; Company

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v6i39.6269


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