Alexander Anatolievich Gridchin, Marina Olegovna Zyryanova


Background: The article proposes the stereotypes used in the USSR in the process of forming a socialist type of collective consciousness (1920-1930). It reveals the concepts of stereotype, social stereotyping, manipulation, and the use of these tools in forming public opinion. Objective: The goal is to identify the stereotypes used in the USSR in the formation of the socialist type of social consciousness (1920-1930). Methods: The prevalent research method is content analysis. The material for the research is the newspapers “Pravda”, “Trud”, and “Izvestiya”, published during the mentioned period. These exact newspapers were the tool for shaping public opinion in the Soviet Union. Results: The work discloses the stereotype “Us and Them” on the examples for forming the concepts “New Man” and “Enemy of the People”. Moreover, the concept of "enemy of the people" has expanded over time and began to include more and more new social classes of Soviet society. The article also examines in detail the relationship between the "new man" and the church (religion), the "new man" and science (invention), the "new man" and education. Conclusion: The main conclusion that was made based on the results of this study is that the processes of stereotyping perform the specified functions of modeling the social system through the rational use of the potential and mechanisms of the media space.


Social stereotype; Social stereotyping; Manipulation; Mass consciousness; Public opinion; Stereotype “Us and Them”

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