Irina Kiseleva, Aziza Tramova, Elena Chernikova, Elena Karakaeva


Background: The world experience of leading companies shows that the effective development of a company, in particular a venture company, and the efficiency of its activities cannot be increased without a proper strategy as a set of measures aimed at achieving the goal set. Objective: The article presents the results of studying and developing a venture company strategy. Results: The main stages of organizing the activities of a venture company are determined, possible strategic alternatives and the problems of venture business are identified, and ways to solve them are proposed. Conclusion: To make adequate decisions, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the situation and make a reliable forecast of further events. This article is relevant since the activity of any enterprise, especially venture capital, is accompanied by risks. Consequently, it is required to develop and apply an activity strategy within the competence of various departments.

Palabras clave

Venture company; Business; Innovations; Services; Risks

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v6i40.6337

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