Political Configuration of Islamic Law in Legal Development in Indonesia

Nur Taufiq Sanusi, Abdul Syatar, Kurniati Kurniati, Hasanuddin Hasim, Indah Fitriani Sukri


Indonesia's multicultural society influences legal policy in the development of the country from philosophical, cultural, social, and religious aspects. The development of national law as a positive social manager that can predict the future effects of the law. Multidisciplinary became a crystallization in the formation of national laws.  The current development of customary law commonly referred to as al-ādah al-muhakkamah strongly supports national law as a source of law and is used by the Indonesian Islamic community along with customary law as its legal basis. Both are designed to provide legal benefits for the Indonesian people. Islamic law in the development of national law is the answer to the democratization of various sources of law in Indonesia. That is, national sources of law need to pay attention to the basic philosophy of Islamic law, which can answer and solve substantive and formal legal problems as the basis for the development of national law. The formalization of Islamic law in the context of policy development of law or the development of Islamic law (legal structure) in the development of national law is not sufficiently limited to mere formalization, but how its nature and content. This study focuses on the synchronization of Islamic law and national law to create a national law that is in harmony with the existing law in society through normative legal investigation methods and comparative legal approaches

Palabras clave

Political configuration; Legal development; Legal politics; Islamic law.

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