Mikhail Sergeevich Abrashkin, Victoria Evgenievna Barkovskaya


Objective: The study aims at substantiating new approaches to the management of science-intensive enterprises of rocket and space engineering through analyzing the existing problems and global challenges to their development. Methods: To achieve this objective, the authors used a wide range of methodological tools, including systemic and comparative analysis, modeling, economic and statistical methods of group comparison. The study comprised the economic analysis of 62 rocket and space engineering enterprises in the Russian Federation. Results: According to the study results, the current economy and economic relations make science-intensive enterprises of rocket and space engineering adapt to global growth trends and search for effective management solutions under the conditions of a state monopoly on their structuring, technological inflation, low capitalization and an increase in returns from R&D through the systemic integration and accumulation of innovations in production.

Palabras clave

Development management; Rocket and space engineering; Science-intensive enterprises

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