Interconnectedness between global geopark and local economic development: A Lesson from Indonesia

Nailul Insani, Bagus Shandy Narmaditya, M. Mujtaba Habibi, Fauzi Ramadhoan A’rachman, Zulkepli Majid


This study aims to examine the role of several parties in enhancing global geopark in Batur Bali of Indonesia as well as promoting local economic welfare. The study adopted a qualitative study with a case study approach to gain a comprehensive result of the phenomenon. This study focuses in Global Geopark Batur Bali in Indonesia as the first and most successful in creating a better economic welfare primarily during the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings indicate that the Penta helix model can be used to develop Geopark Batur Bali and Indonesia in general in which each party plays their role in this development tourism and local economic development.

Palabras clave

Geopark; Local economic development; Pentahelix model; sustainable development

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