Nataliia Kuchyna, Yuliia Bondar, Oksana Melnyk, Viktoriia Yarmolka, Mykhailo Kostetskyi


Objective: This article elucidates the fundamental principles and substance of a contemporary approach to enhancing enterprise management, grounded in process-oriented technology for modeling business processes. This approach aims to bolster the organization's flexibility and adaptability to changes in both internal and external environments. The study establishes the efficacy of the process-oriented approach in pinpointing key success and competitiveness factors for organizations, including the innovativeness and adaptability of the management system, optimal resource distribution, and system effectiveness assessed through qualitative and quantitative parameters. The article further outlines and validates an algorithm for implementing the process approach within enterprises, emphasizing the structuring of activities, delineation of constituent processes, and identification of results within the frameworks of financial and management accounting.

Methods: The research employs a methodical exploration of the process-oriented technology for modeling business processes, emphasizing its role in enhancing organizational flexibility, adaptability, and overall effectiveness. The study also involves the testing of an algorithm for introducing the process approach within enterprises, focusing on structuring activities, creating information support for decision-making, regulating the management improvement system, implementing a budgeting system, and fostering staff motivation through a balanced scorecard system.

Results: The study underscores the advantages of the process-oriented approach in bolstering organizational flexibility and adaptability, with a focus on key success factors and competitiveness. The article provides evidence for the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in guiding enterprises through the implementation of the process approach, covering various aspects from structuring activities to staff motivation.

Conclusion: The article contributes to the understanding of modern enterprise management by emphasizing the significance of the process-oriented approach. The proposed algorithm provides a structured and tested framework for enterprises to enhance their flexibility, adaptability, and overall effectiveness. The suggested methodological approach to structuring organizational activities offers a visual representation of the technology of each unit, facilitating improved operational management and reducing time and cost associated with business process execution.

Palabras clave

Business Processes; Management; Modeling; Conditions; System

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181

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