Elena Tereshchenko, Elena Ivanchenko, Valeriy Meleshkin, Igor Zhuzhgov, Lidiya Balakireva


Objective: The objective of this study is to identify and investigate issues related to enhancing the level of legal professionals' consciousness through a theoretical and legal examination of law school students' legal consciousness. It aims to explore the features of legal education, including specific aspects of using information technology in legal education. Methods: To determine the specificity of the socio-philosophical analysis of legal consciousness, dialectical-materialistic and phenomenological methodological approaches are employed. The analysis focuses on professional legal consciousness in both the narrow and broad senses. It examines the formation of specific areas of professional consciousness inherent to legal professionals, such as the acquisition of knowledge of current legislation and the development of necessary and adequate legal understanding. Results: The study reveals the characteristics of information technology and their significance in shaping legal consciousness during the implementation of political, educational, and upbringing objectives. It highlights the formation of knowledge about legislation currently in effect and the development in legal professionals of an appropriate understanding of the law as specific spheres of professional consciousness.

Palabras clave

Legal education; Legal consciousness; Information technology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v2i40.6532

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