Antonina Glotkina, Elena Volkova, Elena Vecherinina


Objective: This article investigates the utilization of allusions as a stylistic device in media texts. The research also delves into understanding the terminology and characteristics of media texts, along with exploring the significance of headlines and their role. Methods: The authors examine a variety of examples of allusions in contemporary English media texts spanning diverse subject matter sourced from electronic versions of periodicals. The analysis involves scrutinizing the methods and strategies employed to employ allusions effectively in crafting attention-grabbing headlines. Results: The study finds that allusions serve as an effective means of creating captivating headlines in modern English media texts across a wide range of topics. By drawing on cultural references and intertextual connections, allusions enhance the appeal and communicative power of headlines. Conclusion: This research underscores the significance of allusions as a valuable stylistic tool for enhancing the attractiveness and impact of headlines in contemporary English media texts. It offers valuable insights for journalists, copywriters, emerging writers, philologists, and individuals engaged in crafting media texts across various subject areas.

Palabras clave

Mass Media; Media Linguistics; Media Stylistics; Stylistic Devices

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