Development of electronic interaction and document flow: transformation of the legal profession under the influence of the information system

Svetlana Igorevna Volodina, Sergey Nikolaevich Gavrilov, Nikita Sergeevich Lipen


Objective: The article is devoted to certain aspects of the digital transformation of the Russian Bar. The driver of this transformation is the development, implementation, and operation of the complex information system of the Russian Bar. Methods: The article gives a general description of the complex information system of the Russian Bar and identifies its main tasks. Results: The authors note that the complex information system of the Russian Bar, by its purpose and role, should become not only the core of the information (digital) ecosystem of the Russian Bar but also part of the ecosystem of the country's digital economy, which is ensured by integration with the information systems of justice, courts, law enforcement, and other state bodies. Conclusion: The article defines the information (digital) ecosystem of the legal profession, identifies the main tasks of the complex information system of the Russian Bar, and presents a list of functions that should be implemented in individual segments of the complex information system of the Russian Bar through appropriate information services.

Palabras clave

CIS AR; The digital ecosystem of the Bar; Unified digital environment of the Bar

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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