Current Problems of Legal Regulation of Remote Work in the Context of the Introduction of Restrictive Measures Caused by the Spread of Covid-19 in Ukraine and the EU

Oleg M. Yaroshenko, Dmytro І. Sirokha, Larysa Y. Velychko, Liubov V. Kotova, Valentyna V. Sobchenko


The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, which has spread to all countries of the world, has posed new challenges in terms of legal, socio-economic, political, and social development. The pandemic produced a need for a mechanism of legal regulation of a special organization of the remote work, working hours, workplace, working conditions, etc. The study aims to analyze and compare the legal regulation of remote work under the introduction of restrictive measures caused by the spread of COVID-19 in Ukraine and the EU. The leading method was the method of comparative analysis. It helped to compare the specifics of the practice of EU member states in the field of legal regulation of remote work under the above conditions in Ukraine and the EU, identify how these issues are regulated in other EU countries. In Ukraine, it is necessary to improve the rules for regulating the responsibilities of the employer to compensate for the costs of a remote worker, enshrining in law the obligation of the employer to provide the employee with computer equipment, means of communication. The experience of European countries proves it is necessary to implement “right to disconnect” in Ukraine. Information and knowledge gained from the experience of different EU countries can be used as a basis for the adaptation and development of new relevant provisions in Ukraine.

Palabras clave

remote work; telework; home-based work; EU standards; Ukrainian legislation

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