Ways and mechanisms to combat organized crime, corruption and financial fraud in the economic and financial spheres: international experience

Olena Oliinyk, Serhii Kyrenko, Vitalii Bondarchuk, Iryna Kuchynska, Oleksandr Koshel


Nowadays, the priority for the world economy is to secure the maximum level of security for further development of “healthy” economic relations, which include a wide range of relations in the field of taxation, legalization of funds obtained illegally, and the interaction of international institutions in counteracting organized crime and corruption. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the economic security of both the country and the world.The study proved that the following factors contribute to the deterioration of the state, its shadowing and the spread of organized crime: distinct priorities of the subjects of legislative initiative, the slowness of the state apparatus, the slow perception of advanced trends and technologies, a different attitude of the subjects of the international community to the aspects ensuring the economic security of the world economy. The article outlines the authors’ proposals to improve the mechanism of ensuring economic security at the level of the individual country and the world.

Palabras clave

corruption offenses; shadow economy; financial discipline; globalization; taxation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v3i32.5514

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