Irina Veniaminovna Takmasheva


Objective: This article considers the strategies of anti-crisis support for the entrepreneurial ecosystem of various countries due to COVID-19 restrictions. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to search for and develop a set of measures aimed at mitigating the socio-economic consequences of the crises caused by COVID-19. Methods: Since most enterprises did not have sufficient reserves to cover downtime-related losses, this led to the closure of businesses. Measures of state support for small- and medium-sized businesses affected by the coronavirus should neutralize the consequences of the socio-economic crisis caused by a new biological threat. However, the timeliness and sufficiency of state support measures have generated a high level of social tension among entrepreneurs. According to many entrepreneurs, the anti-crisis measures taken by some states were ineffective and insufficient. This is confirmed by the results of social surveys. In view of the foregoing, it is relevant to develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of anti-crisis measures implemented by various states during the period of biological threats. Results: The fundamental scientific topic is the search for solutions to maintain a balance in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the event of various biological threats, as well as the creation of conditions for the adaptation of entrepreneurs to the current socio-economic pandemic and post-pandemic conditions. Conclusion: The study results aim at mitigating the impact of pandemic-related crises on the business sector. It is important to restart the global management of entrepreneurial ecosystems based on the improvement of strategies for anti-crisis state support for entrepreneurs.


Anti-crisis measures; Entrepreneurial ecosystem; Strategy; Biological threats; Coronavirus.

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