Ivan N. Vilkov, Irina A. Liman, Elena P. Kiselitsa


Background: In an unstable macroeconomic situation, the high loan debt burden of the population creates significant social risks associated with the declining well-being of citizens. For the timely development of measures to prevent and minimize these risks, it is necessary to use a system of indicators to adequately assess the debt load burden of the population both in the country as a whole and in certain regions. Objective: The article aims to assess the debt burden of the population in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the PTI indicator (pay-to-income ratio means the ratio of the borrower's monthly payment on all the loans (principal debt and interest) to their average monthly income). Methods: The main research methods are as follows: generalization and analysis, grouping, comparative and correlation analysis. Results: The authors have developed a methodical approach to calculating the PTI indicator based on open information sources. According to this approach, the PTI indicator has been calculated for regions of the Russian Federation for the first time. The authors have assessed this indicator for the total debt burden of the population, including mortgages and other loans. Based on the analysis, the relationship between the debt burden and income of the population, the debt burden of the population on mortgage loans, and housing affordability have been identified.


Loan exposure; Loan debt burden; Household debt load in regions; PTI; Pay-to-income ratio

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