Ludmila Gadzaova, Isita Muskhanova, Elena Goverdovskaya, Larisa Zembatova, Svetlana Khablieva, Marina Ankvab


Objective: This study examines the influence of the intercultural pedagogical and educational scientific approach on the development of intercultural competence in students of different nationalities. The objective is to identify the most effective methodologies for integrating intercultural competence into foreign language teaching, considering modern requirements for intercultural communication.

Methods: The research adopted a qualitative design, analyzing pedagogical strategies and theoretical frameworks mentioned in the existing literature. Systematic competency-based and differentiated learning approaches, along with traditional and newly developed methods, were applied to master the living language, which can be used both in written and oral forms.

Results: The study revealed that the application of cognitive and communicative approaches, focused on study groups and students' proficiency levels, promoted the development of intercultural and linguistic skills. Comparative analysis of foreign language texts and their translations demonstrated the correct use of studied grammar and lexical rules. The results highlight the importance of continuously integrating culture and language in the educational process, reinforcing students' intercultural competence.

Conclusions: The research concludes that foreign language teaching based on an intercultural approach significantly contributes to students' intercultural education. However, further refinement of the presented model is necessary to address its limitations and better prepare students for successful intercultural communication in a globally diverse society.


Prospects of Foreign Language Proficiency; Globalization; Education; Intercultural Content of Teaching Material; Principles of Intercultural Pedagogy

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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