Irina Aboimova, Elena Kirillova, Ivan Otcheskiy, Svetlana Kulikova, Irina Vaslavskaya, Irina Polozhentseva


Objective: The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the digital educational environment. The study aims to identify the potential of AI in the educational process, as well as the benefits and risks associated with the application of AI-based technologies in educational environments.

Methods: Qualitative methods were used to collect data, including a review of existing literature on the use of AI in education. The analysis focused on identifying the main areas of AI application and the challenges associated with its use.

Results: The results show that the advantages of using AI include task automation, personalized learning, and student performance forecasting, among others. However, risks such as the imperfection of AI technologies, insufficient methodological support, and concerns about data security were also identified.

Conclusions: The systematic application of AI's advantages can enhance the efficiency of the educational process, especially if psychological and pedagogical factors are considered. However, it is crucial to balance AI use with human intervention to ensure a comfortable and effective educational environment.


AI; Educational process; Digital technologies; Digital educational environment; Teachers; Gamification

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